Added a new parameter that could increase the number of the HUD. Fixed a bug that is not working to preload $gameHud.refresh() -> $gameTemp.notifyHudRefresh() Ģ017.01.25 (v1.2.1) - Fixed a bug that causes the null when 'battle only' parameter is true. Fixed the hud to process the refresh when the event lisnter listens a refresh request. Fixed to redraw the Hud when using the $gameParty.swapOrder method. Fixed an issue that can not be saved due to this update. Fixed an issue that plugins did not work due to image position data parsing errors in crosswalk.
Rpg maker mv hud update#
The text elements perform an update through the event handler. Now this plugin does not provide the functionality to automatically adjust transparency and tone changes due to poor performance in canvas mode of mobile device. Fixed the bug that is not controlled the opacity of HUD.Ģ016.10.14 (v1.1.7) - Fixed the bug that causes the error called 'undefined bitmap' when you are adding certain party member.Ģ016.11.16 (v1.1.8) - Fixed a bug with the Battle Background.Ģ016.12.19 (v1.1.8b) - Fixed a bug that is not set up the coordinates of the face image. Fixed the bug that happens when certain party member is removed. Added the function that allows all plugin parameters to import or export.Ģ016.10.08 (v1.1.5) - Fixed a bug that happens in battle. The visible setting sets as the false before calling the battle. The HUDs opacity will be decreased if the party member is dead. HUD's opacity will decrease if the player is colliding with HUD. Added the function that can display the name. Added the glittering gauge-bar effects in lower HP or MP value. Added the function that could be re-positioning with all the components. ( added the note called which is added in 1.1.0 version)Ģ016.03.18 (v1.0.3) - Added the parameter called 'Arrangement'Ģ016.03.26 (v1.0.4) - Fixed a bug that the HUD is always displayed regardless of the setting whenever transferring the player to the other map.Ģ016.05.05 (v1.0.5) - Fixed a bug that the text does not change.Ģ016.05.17 (v1.0.6) - Fixed a structure of the class.Ģ016.05.21 (v1.0.7) - Added the plugin parameter that can be able to display the plugin in battle mode only.Ģ016.05.21 (v1.0.8) - Fixed a bug of the opacity.Ģ016.06.30 (v1.0.9) - Added the parameter that displays the values with commas every three digits.Ģ016.07.30 (v1.1.0) - Added the parameter for setting fonts.Ģ016.09.05 (v1.1.1) - Now you can change the image file name, and can also be used the option called 'exclude the unused files'.Ģ016.09.13 (v1.1.2) - Added Max Exp Text and Fixed the exp rate. the gauges will hide and show depending on the conditions so it’ll appear as one gauge at all times but really its 3 for each part of the atb system, atbRate, atbChargeRate, and one for when your atbRate is at max to signal the player they can attack, this one (Gauge #2) should be a different color or glowy/shiny whatever you want.2016.02.24 (v 1.0.1) - Added the Plugin Command.Ģ016.03.04 (v1.0.2) - Added the comments for include used files. You just need to stack those 3 gauges on top of each other and do a set of those for each actor in your party.
This may not be 100% perfect but its really close. Anywho this is what i did.Ĭondition: $gameParty.battleMembers().atbRate() 0 One correction from earlier is would actually be the 2nd member in your party (indexing) is your first actor in your party is 2nd, is 3rd, is 4th.
Rpg maker mv hud code#
If this doesn’t work hopefully someone who knows the plugin better than my few minutes of skimming through the code shows up with a correct answer 😀Īlright so i had some time and did some testing so this was what i came up with. The answer seems to be somewhere between lines 22 in the plugin file.
Rpg maker mv hud full#
if you go into a battle and your basic default ATB gauge is 30% full and one of those values shows in console as something like 0.3 you likely found your answer for current value. Or maybe use $gameParty.battleMembers().atbChargeRate() as current value i’m really not sure without seeing the values in console during a battle. would be your first actor, your second etc etc. If i had to throw a guess out there it seems like the max rate is 1 and one of those two values may be your current atb rate (a number between 0 and 1).Ĭurrent Value: $gameParty.battleMembers().atbRate() I would try using $gameParty.battleMembers().atbRate() and/or $gameParty.battleMembers().atbChargeRate() I’ve never used this plugin before and don’t really want to set up a test project but i’ve looked at the code and it seems the answer is likely within this function Window_ on line 2259.